Somebody tell me why i work so hard for you here it is right here
Somebody tell me why i work so hard for you here it is right here

Until the past few generations, most people’s lives stayed very much the same from beginning to end: people grew up where their parents had grown up, did the work their parents had done, believed and knew the things previous generations had believed and known.

somebody tell me why i work so hard for you here it is right here

With a more confident or vocal team, you might get questions about whether the change is necessary, complaints about “yet another thing to do,” and lots of reasons why this just isn’t a good time for a big shift.īlame our history as a species. Sometimes the reaction is subtle: lowered eyes, tightened lips, silence. Every leader has had the experience of unveiling an organizational change - a new system or process, a corporate restructure, a shift in the business model - and getting a less-than positive response from their team.

Somebody tell me why i work so hard for you here it is right here